Series api/series.php
Get all series
{ series: [
id: 1,
name: 'Classic series'
] }
Games api/games.php
Get all games
Get all games in series '1' (classic)
Show only game '1' (Mega Man)
{ games: [
id: 1,
series_id: 1,
name: 'Mega Man',
short_name: 'Mega Man',
has_gametime: 0,
uses_gametime: 0,
forum: '',
categories: [
{ id: 268, name: 'Any%' },
{ id: 305, name: '100%' },
{ id: 676, name: 'Any% (Buster only)' }
] }
] }
Users api/users.php
Get all users
Show only user with id '2'
Show users with a Twitter matching "abc"
Show users with a Twitch matching "abc"
Show users with a Youtube matching "abc"
Show users with a DouyuTV matching "abc"
Show users with a NicoNico matching "abc"
Show users with a Smashcast matching "abc"
{ users: [
id: 2,
name: 'Joka',
user_level: 4,
country: 'se',
twitter: 'thisIsJoka',
twitch: 'jokaah',
smashcast: 'joka',
youtube: 'jokzzor'
] }
Runs api/runs.php
Get all unverified runs (with a video link)
Get a specific run
Get the 10 latest verified runs
Get all runs of game '1' (Mega Man)
Get the 10 latest verified runs of game '1' (Mega Man)
Get all runs by 'Joka'
Show extended information (see below)
Format (normal):
{ runs: [
id: 1,
runner: 'Exo',
- OR -
user_id: 2,
game_id: 1,
category: 'Any% (Glitchless)',
version: 'Emulator',
version_detail: 'FCEUX', - If available
time: 136700,
game_time: 1000, - If available
converted_time: 136700,
video: '', - If available
verified: 1,
verified_by: 'Joka', - If available
notes: 'lol run', - If available
submitted_by: 'Joka'
] }
Format (extended):
{ runs: [
id: 1,
runner: 'Exo',
- OR -
user: {
id: 2,
name: 'Joka',
user_level: 4,
country: 'se',
twitter: 'thisIsJoka',
twitch: 'jokaah',
smashcast: 'joka',
youtube: 'jokzzor'
game: {
id: 1,
series_id: 1,
name: 'Mega Man',
short_name: 'Mega Man',
has_gametime: 0,
uses_gametime: 0,
forum: '',
categories: [
{ id: 268, name: 'Any%' },
{ id: 305, name: '100%' },
{ id: 676, name: 'Any% (Buster only)' }
category: 'Any% (Glitchless)',
version: 'Emulator',
version_detail: 'FCEUX', - If available
time: 136700,
game_time: 1000, - If available
converted_time: 136700,
video: '', - If available
verified: 1,
verified_by: 'Joka', - If available
notes: 'lol run', - If available
submitted_by: 'Joka',
rank: 15
] }
Records api/records.php
Get the record for every category
Get the record for a specific category
Get the record for every category of game '10'
Show extended information
Same as runs
Live api/live.php
Get all live streams
Get all live streams currently playing a game in series '1' (classic)
{ live: [
runner: 'Someone',
game: 'Mega Man',
series_id: 1,
stream: '',
title: 'Playing mega man',
viewers: 1337
] }